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Monday, August 19, 2013

Big Ideas About Data Analysis: DataRules (CharterLeader (July 12, 2013))

By Derrick Brown (follow on Twitter @dbrowndbrown)

CharterLeader Seminar (July 12, 2013)

Talk: "DataRules" (17m42s)

KnowledgeBase Principal Consultant Derrick Brown defines "data (facts & figures)", "information (understood data)", "knowledge (actualized information)", and "performance management (converting data to information to knowledge to drive improvement)".


  1. Provost Academy (February 6, 2013)
  2. Data Roles (July 27, 2013)
  3. CharterData SWTO (July 12, 2013)
  4. School Improvement Plans & Processes
  5. Photo

 Reach - Then Teach
  1. Reach - Then Teach  (Workshop)
  2. Reach - Then Teach (Book)
  3. Change The World (150-Word Commencement Speech) 
  4. Talk To Me
  5. Using TTM
  6. Now You Know - WIWIHK 
  7. Now You Know - Money Math
  8. Nine Mens' Morris
  9. HISTORhYmes
  10. Writing Your First Business Plan 
  11. TPT Store: http://bitly.com/tpt_db

DataTalk: CRCT Performance Index Honor Roll

KnowledgeBase Principal Consultant Derrick Brown leads a "DataDialogue" to analyze 2013 CRCT results.
  1. CRCT Performance Index Honor Roll (Meets & Exceeds) (PDF)
  2. CRCT Performance Index Honor Roll (Scale Score) (PDF)
  3. CRCT Analysis (2011-2013) (M&E) (XLS)
  4. EOCT History
  5. "Superset" Card 
  6. 2011-2012 Annual Report
  7. Data-Driven Dialogue (per Susan Cannon) (PDF)

Workshop: Skills & Drills: Building Pivot Tables Using Microsoft Excel

All 6 members of the CharterLeader cohort learned to build Micorosft Excel Pivot Tables (concise data summaries built using a "drag & drop" approach).

We delivered a customized "skills and drills" training session that used the following "disaggregated" data set ...

 ... to produce the following Pivot Table ...

Team members were then challenged to build their "skill" by completing a "drill" that involved using progressively larger versions of the dataset above.

Using larger data sets helps to build a user's appreciation for the accuracy, efficiency, and simplicity with which Pivot Tables are constructed - no matter how much data needs to be summarized!

To probe further, please check out the tutorial video below that summarizes the workshop ...

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