By Derrick Brown (follow on Twitter @dbrowndbrown)
Dear Hannah,
Our world has ...
... because cats are quick to cut you off and say "spare me all these details, man ... just tell me what I need to know."
Alright ... here's what they need to know ...
Our world has ...
- more urgency
- less strategy
- more shortcuts
- less patience
- more information
- less wisdom
... because cats are quick to cut you off and say "spare me all these details, man ... just tell me what I need to know."
Alright ... here's what they need to know ...
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"The Formula (U Can't C Me - The Remix)"
By Derrick Brown
songs in the
key of life
dog chase tail
look real busy
forecast says
kind of dizzy
get there early
stay there late
fall down seven
get up eight
one time - accident
two times - trend
three times - problem
fix that, friend
run your race
keep the pace
keep your lane
keep your space
stay aligned
on your grind
eyes wide shut
no rewind
slow & steady
nice & smoove
homework done
make your move
moments matter
take your shot
behind the scenes
pay your dues
sharpen all
the gifts you use
write it down
then go do it
pray - then add
some thinking to it
all that glitters
is not gold
eyes wide shut
no blindfold
all that wealth
ain't good wealth
live through giving
guard your health
BREAK (4 Bars)
fear is courage
rock that boat
keep your quiet
till time to say
speak your peace
the right way
freedom of speech
come correct
quick to listen
quick respect
slow to speak
don't get loud
meek ain't weak
move the crowd
know that you
don't know much
always keep your
human touch
pick your spot
papa don't preach
when student ready
teacher will teach
when faced with fools
let that go
but sometimes
let them know
teach your child
teach them well
lessons learned
time will tell
help them grow
quell rambunction
equal spirits
different functions
good deeds meet
great reward
patience though
on toward (Phil 3:14)
U Can't C Me (November 2012)
People just can't see me
But God they can't see you
You see all, you know all
Your every Word is true
So if they never see me
I’ll help them to see You
Through thoughts, words and actions
Patience, honor, faith and virtue
My life is but an instrument
Singing songs in many keys
Wisdom earned through lessons learned
From mistakes of several degrees
Do not mistake activity for achievement
Arriving on time means you're late
To be on time arrive early
Fall seven times - get up eight
One time is an accident
Two times is a trend
Three times might be a problem
But forgiveness is your friend
The race is not to the swift
But to the ones who maintain
So stay aligned on your grind
And stay in your own lane
Keep it slow and steady
That's it - nice and smoove
Always do your homework
Believe that God will approve
Every moment matters
You had better realize
Then you can quickly respond
To opportunities that you recognize
Don't despise the small tasks
Pursue them diligently
For passion and purpose are discovered
Through acts of ministry
Keep a pad and paper
And a nearby pen of ink
Write your visions plainly
Make time to pray and think
Don't believe the hype
Avoid the glittery and bejeweled
When we think with our eyes
We are often easily fooled
All money ain't good money
Sometimes less is more
Make a living through your giving
Learn to turn two into four
Your fear is your only courage
Be scared to disobey
Be scared to rock that boat
But sometimes rock it anyway
Know how to keep your quiet
Until it's time to say
If your heart ain't feelin' right
Then say it another day
Freedom of speech
Means come correct
Be quick to listen
Be quicker to respect
Be slow to speak
Even slower to get twisted
Meek ain't weak
Self-control beats double-fisted
The only thing to know
Is that you don't know squat
Nobody cares what you know
If they think you care not
So pick your spot
Practice - don't preach
When the student is ready
The teacher will teach
If faced with a fool
Proverbs 26 - verses 5 and 4
Sometimes you can let it go
Sometimes you gotta let em know
Train your child with loving instruction
Encourage growth, but discourage rambunction
Know you are equal in essence
But very different in function
No good deed goes unrewarded
But the payoff is seldom immediate
Dreams manifest at God's appointed time
Though it tarries, wait for it
Copyright © 2016 Derrick Brown. All Rights Reserved.

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